Please contact us to ask about available dates for August 2021 onwards. Note that at this time, with so many unknowns for everyone, we are NOT able to give a definitive answer on ‘how many guests’ we can hold. If groups of 10-15 are comfortable sleeping in the same room by September, then we are back up to hosting 85 people! But most likely safe numbers will be far lower for some time still. We will open up in accordance with safety procedures, not only based on what a group requests.
If you are a ‘pod’ of up to 10 or 12, you can rent Tara House through Airbnb now.
Telephone: 707-632-5629
Office hours: 7 days a week, 9am to 8pm. At other times, please leave a message on our answering machine and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!